Thursday, 20 February 2014

Locating myself and my Resources

Artists spent the morning using their own chosen mediums of expression to explore what it means for them being here and what resources they have to offer...

 Hanny considers fabrics and patterns, the plad from the US that is similar to the Masai plad used in Kenya. She stays with the questions of sustainability and visitors appearing and disappearing likes bolts of lightening.
Hanny is fascinated by beads and their source, where they come from and who they are bought by to signify a certain culture

Inspired by the colours of Isiolo, Lionel gets out the spray paint and goes for a splash of "Isiolo style" graffiti on the side of the Early Childhood Development Nursery.

Joel takes a walk out into Isiolo with his camera and takes some shots of things that catch his eye, while he thinks about placing himself in this unfamiliar setting.

Boyd gets involved in recycling old wooden pallets and showing what can be done with available resources and creative thinking.

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